
Who is the one who would give Allah a good loan so that Allah multiplies it for him many times? Allah withholds and extends, and to Him you are to be returned. [Qur’ān, 2:245]

The Messenger of Allah صلي الله عليه وسلم said, “ When a person dies, his deeds come to an end, except for three: ongoing charity (Sadaqa Jāriya), knowledge that is benefited from, and a righteous child who prays for him .” (Muslim, Tirmidhi).

We require a total of 250K to complete Repayment of our Qarz

We accept donations in following ways:

Donate Online


Email transfer direct to our account

Monthly pledge

E-Transfer To:

Cheque Payable to:

Blessings and Peace Association Inc


Imam Dawud Alcox at 506 588 3828

This Project is Under the Supervision of:
Shaykh Mohammed Zakriya Ibn Ismail DB, Imam of Masjid Taqwa, Toronto

If you require further information regarding making a donation please contact:

Maulana Dawud Alcox

Phone: 506-588-3828
Harith Khan

Phone: 416-882-8840

Ahmed Chaudhry
Phone: 416-456-6030

JazākAllāhu Khayrān for your donations and support.


Support Masjid Yusuf

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