Duroos At Masjid Yusuf

Masjid Yusuf will start conducting lessos (Duroos) in various branches of Islamic sciences inshaAllah.

Classes for brothers and sisters will either be with separate teachers or will be conducted online or the use of the screen in the sisters section.

To summarize, we will potentially be offering classes in:                                                                          

• How to read the letters, basic, intermediary and advanced level

• Basic, intermediary

Fiqh (Hanafi and Maliki)
• Basic, intermediary and advanced level

• Basic, intermediary and advanced level
 o Grammar
 o Etymology/morphology
 o Conversational Arabic

Other subjects to be covered generally require the above as a pre-requisite (such as Usoolul-Fiqh, Mantiq, Balaaghah, Tafseer, Hadeeth etc…)

Imam Dawud will list out part of the curriculum he studied at his madrasah. It shall give an idea of some of the books and subjects that Imam Dawud has studied from his teachers/mashāikh and if there is enough interest in certain books or subjects, then classes will be formed inshallaah.

Qur’an/Arabic reading (Tajweed)
• Terms and theory
• Various Tasheel type books

Arabic grammar/syntax (Nahw)
• Multiple primer source books and theory
• Al-Nahw al-Waadhih, Hidaayatun-Nahw, Sharhu “Miatu Aamil”, Arabic Tutor, Madinah series etc…
• Sharh of Ibn Aqeel alal-Alfiyya
• Vast amount of post graduate research

Analysis Of Arabic Verbs/Morphology/Etymology (Sarf)
• Multiple primer source books and theory
• Completed advanced level books such as Ilm-us-Sarf, Ilm-us-Seeghah
• Reached advanced level of word/root research (Arabic, English and Urdu)

Logic (Mantiq)
• Terms and theory (from Tasheel type books)
• Mirqaat

Arabic Eloquence/Rhetoric (Balaaghah)
• Duroosul Balaaghah
• Talkheesul Miftaah

Analysis of Arabic grammar and literature
• Translation and parsing (Iraab) of many many Arabic books and Islamic texts
• Readings from Arabic Poetry such as the Deewaan of Al-Mutanabby, Maqaamaat Hareeriyyah, al-Hamaasah of Ibn Ibi Tamaam, Nafhatul Arab, many works of Shaykh Abul Hasan Ali Al-Nadawy and other books and booklets
Arabic to English Translation
• Methodology and review/applied translation of the Entire Quran (applying all the above uloom/sciences)
• Have been translating Arabic to English for many years (have translated books/booklets)

• Usool of Tafseer
• Tafseer Jalaalayn
• Proficiency in Iraabul-Quran (grammatical parsing)

Seerah of the Prophet and the Sahaabah
• Various works

• Multiple primer source books and theory
• Al-Aqeedatu-Tahaawiyyah with commentary
• Al-Fiqh al-Akbar
• Sharhul Aqaaid an-Nasafiyyah

Usoolul Fiqh (Principles of Jurisprudence)
• Tasheel Usoolil-Fiqh
• Usoolush-Shashi
• Al-Manaar
• Nurul-Anwaar (sharhul-manaar)

• Al-Fiqh al-Muyassar
• Nur-ul-Idaah
• Mukhtasar al-Qudoory
• Kanzud-Daqaaiq
• Islamic Inheritance (Faraaidh/Meeraath) (Mueenul-Faraaidh)
• Al-Hidaayah
• Excerpts from Al-Ashbaah wan-Nadhaa’ir (ibn Nujaym)

Usoolul/Mustalahaat of Hadeeth (principles of Hadeeth)
• Terms and theory
• Nuzhatun-Nadhar
• Nukhbatul Fikr (sharh of Nuzhah)

• Zaadut-Taalibeen (Provision for the Seekers) (translation, memorization and grammatical analysis)
• Riyaadhus-Saaliheen (Translation and explanation)
• Tajreedus-Sareeh (Translation)
• Mishkaatul-Masaabeeh (translation, commentary and basic comparative Fiqh analysis)
• Sharhu Ma’aanil Aathaar of At-Tahaawy (A detailed analysis of apparent contradictory Ahaadeeth and reconciliation between them)
• Advanced studies in Hadith (Methodology, Readings, and Analysis), which included over 1,000 hours of direct teacher instruction in the prominent Hadith collections reading each hadeeth with all the asaaneed/chains of:
Sahih ul-Bukhari, Sahih Muslim, Sunan at-Tirmidhi, Sunan abi-Dawood, Sunan ibn Majah, Sunan an-Nasaee and Ash-Shamaail al-Muhammadiyyah

Aside from this, Imam Dawud could conduct classes or workshops on:

• Effective public speaking/how to write a speech/essay
• Critical thinking
• Dawah and basic philosophy (specifically in relation to worldviews, Liberalism, Modernism, Feminism, secularism etc… as they relate heavily to Dawah/interfaith/ideological discourse)

 If you are interested in any of the above topics, please join the WhatsApp group dedicated to discussions and announcement related to this subject on this linkhttps://chat.whatsapp.com/JxTMORzhME3HBorDSbojtw